Posted: June 15, 2023

Amusement park injuries can merit lawsuits

Injuries can occur when we least expect them, even at a fun-loving place like an amusement park. Sometimes these injuries are the result of accidents, but often they are due to someone else’s negligence. In cases of severe amusement park injuries, Kline & Specter attorneys investigate to find those responsible and hold them accountable. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case. Learn more about amusement park ride injury lawyers.

Don’t Be Quick to Sign Anything

If you or a loved one is injured at an amusement park, refrain from signing any form presented by the amusement park’s insurance company or from the head of the park itself. Such forms may come with the promise of some compensation, but it is most likely on the low end of what can be achieved. And it will likely say somewhere in the document that you no longer can pursue legal action against them because you have signed the form.

Consider the Long Term

Even if an injury suffered at an amusement park may not seem serious at first, even a muscle tear or fracture can lead to extensive issues in the future. It may affect your quality of life by limiting your day-to-day routine or work progress. During these times, you’ll need appropriate treatment and physical therapy, which can be costly.

Kline & Specter amusement park lawyers have won major awards and settlements in a variety of premises liability lawsuits, many of them very involved and complex. In one case, Tom Kline won a settlement of nearly $2 million in a Pittsburgh case in which a woman was killed when a pavilion collapsed at an amusement park.

Kline & Specter handles cases in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and New York. For cases outside those states, Kline & Specter works with local attorneys in each state as applicable.