Posted: November 15, 2023

Hair straightenerStudies have shown a link between certain chemicals in hair straightening products and an increased risk of developing uterine cancer.

The Science on Hair Straighteners and Uterine Cancer 

A study conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that women who frequently used hair straighteners were more than two times more likely to develop uterine cancer than those who did not use hair straighteners.

This study was a longitudinal one, meaning it followed study participants over a number of years, with the participants of this particular study being followed for 11 years.

Researchers found the link between hair straighteners and uterine cancer to be tied to how often they’re used. Frequent use is defined by the scientists as more than four times in a year.

What Are the Chemicals Linked to Uterine Cancer

There are known carcinogens in hair straighteners. Parabens, bisphenol A, certain metals, and formaldehyde have all been theorsized or implicated in the link between hair straighteners and uterine cancer.

Research has shown these chemicals and metals may potentially have mutagenic properties. In fact, formaldehyde is known to disrupt DNA and lead to potentially cancerous growths.

These chemicals may also disrupt the endocrine system and damage the hormone-signaling processes of the body. Once damaged, the hormone signaling process can result in illness or lead to cancer.

Contact Kline & Specter Today

If you or a loved one developed uterine cancer after using hair straighteners, partnering with an attorney to combat the damages done by cosmetic companies is recommended.

The attorneys at Kline & Specter have obtained multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts in an array of product liability cases. With the most lawyers in the country who are also medical doctors, the law firm is uniquely situated when it comes to medical legal claims. The firm provides free and confidential evaluations of potential cases. Kline & Specter handles cases in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and New York. For cases outside those states, the law firm works with local attorneys in each state as applicable.