The medication Elmiron has been found to cause eye damage, specifically a degenerative eye condition called pigmentary maculopathy that can cause vision impairment or blindness.

Elmiron, approved in 1996 by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to treat a bladder condition in women, is still on the market despite findings that it can cause this rare disease.

If you or a loved one took Elmiron and suffered pigmentary maculopathy causing vision damage, you may have grounds for a lawsuit.

Kline & Specter, with 50 attorneys, five of them also highly skilled medical doctors – the most in the United States -- has the experience and expertise to litigate Elmiron cases. The law firm will provide a free evaluation of your potential Elmiron lawsuit.

Elmiron, scientifically pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS), and made by Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals, is used to treat interstitial cystitis, a chronic urinary tract and bladder condition affecting millions of women, causing pain in the abdomen, pelvic, and genital regions.

New warning labels have been placed on the product to alert doctors and patients about the possible side effects involving patients’ vision, but some may have already suffered pigmentary maculopathy.

Kline & Specter lawyers have successfully litigated hundreds of product liability cases against major companies, particularly those involving pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

The firm in 2020 won an $8 billion verdict in a case involving the anti-psychotic drug Risperdal – also made by Janssen – that produced breast tissue in young males. In other cases, our lawyers won verdicts of $120 million, $80 million, $57.1 million and $40 million against another J&J subsidiary in transvaginal mesh litigation.

Contact one of our Elmiron lawyers if you suffered a catastrophic injury due to taking this medication. Kline & Specter handles cases in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and New York. For cases outside those states, Kline & Specter works with local attorneys in each state as applicable.