June 15, 2015
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) occurs in premature infants, and involves damage to the intestine. It can range from a small mucosal lesion to full thickness necrosis, or death, of a portion of the bowel. Initial symptoms included feeding intolerance, abdominal distention, temperature instability…
May 15, 2015
Cephalopelvic disproportion, or CPD, occurs when a baby’s head or body is too large to fit through a mother’s pelvis or birth canal. This may be due to a small pelvis, abnormally shaped pelvis, breech or transverse lie position or a large baby. If CPD is not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner…
February 13, 2015
About 28,000 infants born in the United States each year—or 76 per day—suffer from a birth injury. In many instances, birth injuries arise due to medical mistakes, including miscommunication of pertinent medical information between practitioners during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Common birth…
October 24, 2014
Cerebral palsy is a very common motor disability in children and affects nearly 10,000 babies each year. Cerebral palsy is not curable and will require treatment and support for a child’s  entire lifetime. Cerebral palsy affects a child's neurological systems that control functionality,…
October 20, 2014
Cerebral hypoxia is a medical term used to describe a decrease in oxygen to the brain. The brain is very sensitive to decreased levels of oxygen and brain cells can begin to die after four minutes of being deprived of oxygen. The sooner the hypoxia is diagnosed and the underlying cause treated, the…
October 05, 2014
A uterine rupture in a pregnant patient during labor can be a life-threatening complication for both a mother and unborn baby.  When a uterus ruptures, it tears open into the abdominal cavity and can cause a mother to hemorrhage and decrease the amount of blood and oxygen reaching a baby. A uterus…
September 24, 2014
There are times when a health care worker may not perform up to the standard of care, and this is considered medical malpractice. This can occur during pregnancy and birth, which can cause permanent problems for your child. Birth injuries can occur because of the negligence on the part of a nurse…
September 09, 2014
Pitocin is a drug commonly used to induce or speed up labor. It is a synthesized form of a hormone that is naturally produced by a woman’s body when she goes into labor. When administered, it is supposed to result in uterine contractions to assist in the labor process. Unfortunately, it does not…
August 30, 2014
During pregnancy, a fetus receives oxygen from the mother through the umbilical cord and the placenta.  If that oxygen flow to the fetus is disrupted, it can cause oxygen deprivation (hypoxia), and lead to fetal distress.  That oxygen deprivation can lead to permanent brain damage,hypoxic ischemic…
May 16, 2014
Kline & Specter won a $15 million settlement in a complex birth injury case in which a delay in delivery resulted in the baby suffering cerebral palsy. Litigating the case for the firm were Shanin Specter, Kila Baldwin and Lisa Dagostino. The defendants included a northern New Jersey hospital,…