IQ 106.9 FM Philadelphia
Rape Reported Previously At Regusters Home

Cobb Creek, PA. As 19-year-old Christina Regusters remains locked up, suspected of kidnapping a 5-year-old girl from her Bryant Elementary School class, cops are now saying this isn’t the first time they’ve been to the Cobb Creek home.

Back in October, they were at the house after someone inside called police to say they were raped. When officers arrived, there was no one home.

Cops don’t believe the rape call is related to this case. Tom Kline, attorney to the little girl’s family was quoted “It’s too difficult to piece that together with this piece other than to say that there was a horrible crime that was committed by evil people.”

They also have confirmed the little girl was targeted. Kline offered, “There was a facebook page which was posted by Ms. Regusters where she put the handprints’ of the little abducted girl and her little brother onto a page and put her hand on the page and said these are my children.”

When asked to comment on the case, Lt. McFadden stated “It’s still very early.. it’s a very bizarre, strange investigation where we only have a little piece of the puzzle and that’s her.”

Regusters is scheduled for a hearing in two weeks and remains in the Northampton County Prison on a $4 Million bond. Police are still working on the case with the FBI.

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